
 Officers elected for the 2010-2011 season
Steve Dudley, President
 Don Dumont, Vice President
John Hooper, Treasurer
Sandi DumontSecretary
Trail Managers: District 1 (Eastern) - Paul Ferguson-Packard
District 2 (Rangeley) - Clark Allen
District 3 (Oquossoc) - Mike Koob

      Board of Directors, 2010-2011 Season
Clark Allen
Al Brown
Mike Cerminara
Paul Ferguson-Packard
Mike Gray
Rick Godaire
Chick Hembrow
Ken Johnson
Matt Kennedy
Mike Koob
Marsha Morton
  Linc Avery, Webmaster

Presidents Message
February 2011
February 12th, Members Meeting Undercroft,
The Membership meeting and dinner at the Undercroft went well. The dinner prepared by the Kelley family and friends brought in nearly $600 including new memberships, jackets, and mugs sold during the evening. Everyone seemed to have a great time talking and taking pleasure in relaxing with friends and fellow snowmobilers. Sandi read the minutes from the last Board meeting bringing up the fact that anyone interested in being a Board member should contact us since there are a couple of positions open. Steve mentioned a life time member deal and that the Club was still contemplating such a measure. Wes Reed made the comment that usually a Club that is in dire need of money each year usually goes that route and that Rangeley doesn't seem to fit that factor. John also read a treasurer's report indicating the Club is doing ok this year into next. We had a 50/50 raffle thanks to Don and Rick Waterman that pulled in $112 for the Club and $113 to one of the young helpers of the Kelley family.  The Easy Bucks winners for the night were : Chick Hembrow $50 and William Brey $50.     
Steve Dudley, President RLSC